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What Kind of Phone Are We Using?


This generation has seen a rise in how attached we are to our personal phones. With that we also have people who prefer specific companies over others, just like name brands. We had made a poll to see just what kinds of phones people were investing their money into. Is it because of loyalty to companies or personal preference. With phones changing so much nowadays too, how much are you willing to put into keeping up with the newest model? It so happens, we do!

As a matter of fact it turns out about 52% of us here at Watauga actually stick to the brand of phones that we tend to like. About 40% of us make our phone selections based off of the camera. Of those 52%, roughly 72% of us stick strictly to Apple products. With new technology coming out every day and prices based off of the companies that produce them sticking to a brand forces us to pay into what phone variety we enjoy best.

I’ve talked with some Iphone users about why they stick to Apple. Most of them have given me the response of, “well I’ve been with them for so long and spent a lot of money building up my music library.” Purposefully, the companies make information sharing between different devices difficult as well with the use of such things as Imessage, which is only available through Iphones, letting you see what time the recipient of your text has opened and read your text, and vice versa.

Unlike Apple’s Iphones, Microsoft phones are more personable giving you a wider range of customization enabling you to program settings and apps that you may find online without the need of jailbreaking your device. Jailbreaking a phone is the act of going into the operating system (OS) of your device and removing a firewall pre installed and designed to stop you from being able to import new settings and features for your phone that are already capable on your phone, just not allowed by the company. Microsoft phones have a firewall in their OS as well, though with the wide array of customization as well as file sharing capability there is no need, most users feel, to hack them.

Unlike other phones the windows app store available to Microsoft phones gives you full right to the songs you purchase. Meaning you have the right and ability to access the music you buy straight from your phone to a computer without having to sync any information from your account. In all, it can be good to stick to the things that you like and trust. However it’s important to look past them sometimes too! There’s always something better out there and in some cases something that just works better for you.

EDIT/CORRECTION: The previous article contained an error about Itunes. Music bought on Itunes is still saved in a way that can be easily transferred to Android or any other phone.

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