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Journalism Revamped!

Greeting readers!

We are thrilled to release our new website as the Watauga Powderhorn Staff. Please be patient as we are attempting to get this thing up and rolling. Here is what you can expect from our staff since our class has been revamped:

-New stories released monthly (Everything from Watauga sports to movie reviews to the news in the Watauga County community)

-Photos (High-quality Photos of you, your friends, and our awesome staff)

-Oppurtunites for you to write and be published (Also known as "Letter to the Editor")

-Social Media (Check us out on twitter @WHS_Powderhorn and on instagram @whspowderhorn)

-Humans of Watauga (Ever heard of Humans of New York? Well, our staff is taking that blogging style and applying it right here at Watauga High)

Stay tuned for more. We are so pumped to be able to provide great photos and stories for you, our readers!

If you have any leads on stories we should be writing about, please contact our adviser Ms.Zirkle (

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