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Winter Holiday Poll


‘Tis the season, or at least it was about a month ago. The holidays are a special time of year, and everyone celebrates differently. Because there is so much diversity in holiday traditions, WHS Powderhorn decided to send out a poll to see how students spent their break. Of the students surveyed, 94% said that they celebrate Christmas. Thirteen people don’t celebrate christmas. Of those thirteen people, 15% celebrate Winter Solstice and 17% celebrate Hanukkah. As far as how they celebrate, 66% percent of people have traditional celebrations that they annually, and 34% of people mix it up every year. 60% of people stay home and 40% travel. Of these travelers, 40% travel within North Carolina, 50% travel within the US, and 10% travel internationally! We asked people if they buy a real or fake tree, and 64% buy a real tree. This makes sense because there are so many christmas tree farms in Watauga! And given the choice between playing Secret Santa, White Elephant, or Dirty Santa, 60% chose Secret Santa. But what makes the holidays special is who you spend them with! 42% of people want to spend the holidays with their entire family, 28% with their immediate family only, 18% with their friends, and 7% with themselves (because you make the holidays special too)! Perhaps the most important question we asked is ‘What do the holidays mean to you?’. Because the answers were so varied, we created a word cloud to help you understand what this special season really means to Watauga. WHS Powderhorn hopes you had a wonderful holiday season!

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