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Opinion: Donald Trump's Obvious Disregard for Women


Since formally starting his campaign, Donald Trump has said many things, things that undercut the beliefs of many Americans and supported violence and discrimination of minorities and women. In the past month Mr. Trump has made some majorly outlandish comments that support the sexual abuse of women; and as Americans head to the polls this could affect many American’s decisions. Included in these incidents was a “locker room talk” video, aired on the Today Show, which included segments of Mr. Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Why is this scary? Does the next president of the United States need to respect women? Absolutely. The United States represents equality for all and having a President who blatantly disregards the rights of women and their sexuality does not represent equality and does not represent America. Yet our media coverage has shown this incident as a “boys will be boys” statement and instead insists on a never ending investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

If elected I believe that Donald Trump will stand for an America that we shouldn’t be proud of. An America where we go back into the past 一 a past where women and minorities were disrespected and equality was warranted through death and hardship. We have come so far as a country and to go backwards now would be against our country’s best interest. As a voteless teenager I believe that my contempt is not being heard and my disgust for this election is reflected in so many kids my age. November eighth could not come soon enough and yet I’m scared to see the outcome of Wednesday's vote. I hope for a brighter tomorrow and that whoever America votes as the next President of the United States, they put the rights and opinions of voters ahead of their own agendas. I plea to all registered voters 一 please exercise your right to vote and please keep all current American’s in your thoughts as well as the American’s of tomorrow.

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