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Clean it Up

We live in solar system that holds 9 planets and 143 moons. Out of those 9 planets, only one holds roughly 7.4 billion people. That is the one that we call home or Earth. Now to earth, where land occupies only 29% of the land mass and humans only cover 1% of that.

Whether you believe in The Big Bang or Creationism, you live on a planet that is roughly 4.543 billion years old. It has been estimated that humans have only inhabited the planet for 200,000 years. In the time that we have inhabited this planet, the atmosphere has been destroyed little by little due to humans negligence towards our planet.

Humans all have different stands on Climate Change and how we can fix it, although many still deny it's a problem. In order to reverse the effects on climate change, we must change how we treat the planet completely. From the point we are at right now, it would take 1000s of years to get the pollution index back to a considerably better level.

We share our resources with other species. Streams and coastlines are becoming dead zones for hundreds of aquatic species, that which humans are to blame. More and more habitats are dissipating from our shared space on this planet. Humans take for granted the fact our water sources are shared and that we are practically handed an endless supply, though too often we forget to take care of it.

Too often we forget where our resources come from. Clean water is becoming scarce. Fresh air is no longer just the air we breathe. Our planet is in great danger and only we can fix it.

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