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Generation Z on Trump


If Donald Trump is elected president,I'm moving to Bora Bora.

Mr.Trump has been very open about his fear filled and hate rooted views and opinions. He has openly proposed a ban on all Muslim immigrants. As a high school senior, I already have the intelligence to bring out the point that this proposition is in direct conflict with the First Amendment. It clearly says there is a separation from church and state and to notion that all Muslims are terrorist is blatant ignorance.

Do you know who else wanted to force an entire religion out of a country? Adolph Hitler.

Another thing that i'm particularly bothered by is Mr. Trump’s view on Global Warming. Trump has said,“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” The scientific world, universities,educated people and even most conservatives are now accepting that fact that humans have had a profoundly negative impact on the environment. When a serious presidential candidate proclaims that global warming is a conspiracy , people should be worried because if we don't treat environmental conservation as a priority,seas will continue to rise and the planet will continue to heat up. (Just for those who don't believe global warming is a real issue in 1949 it was estimated there were 2 million polar bears worldwide today there is roughly 20 thousand). On to my next problem with the self made man that got his modest start with a small loan of 1 million dollars, Mr. Trump's campaign slogan is “Make America Great again”. This slogan is only taken seriously by the people who don't find America great now.

Fact of the matter is America Has never been this great EVER. Women and minorities have the most rights they have ever had. 2015 was the best year in history for the stock market and millions who didn't now have healthcare. “Make America Great Again” is a manipulation tactic for uneducated poor families who are looking for someone to blame their misfortune on. I want my president to build bridges and not walls that's why i'm voting Democratic this year.

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